This week was a pretty good week; on Friday we had Zone Conference (with just missionaries and mission leaders). On Saturday and Sunday we had Stake Conference (with multiple congregations from around the area, plus missionaries). The Venezia-Mestre Stake is made up of (mission-wise) the Bologna zone and the Mestre zone.
OLD FRIENDS. During Stake Conference, I had a nice surprise when I ran into Ann Sykes and Bettina, from my last area, and was able to talk to them.
chocolate couple |
Zone Conference was even better than Stake Conference, because I ran into some of my most favorite people: Anziano Keller (who is now serving in Udine: not my companionship but the other one), Anziano Wright from the MTC (training center back in July), and Anziano Fabiano (still in Udine, not with Keller)!
more chocolate...engines and wrenches |
So I got to talk with them, 2 old companions and Wright from the MTC. It's always nice to hear from old friends :)
MOVIE. Actually, another thing at the Zone Conference was that we watched Meet the Mormons. Super exciting to see a not-missionary film, even if it was church made. It had some pretty neat characters, and was an enjoyable movie. I think a lot more people ought to see it, to understand us better.
PACKAGES. I did get some packages: can't imagine where they came from! It was funny that one of them was mailed January something, and the other one was mailed February something. Since the Zone Conference was later this month, we didn't have a regular Zone Meeting the first week of the month. So I didn't get either of those packages until now.
Anziano Robinson |
I made blondies for district meeting (with the yellow cake mix you sent) and people loved them. And no, I haven't finished the peanut butter; it's Special-Occasion stuff! :D
And thank you very much for the English Conference Ensign (church magazine with inspirational messages), since I hadn't heard most of the talks before. AND thank you for the Espeonage hoodie. I'm more of a fleece/hoodie guy so it feels like 'Me' again.
People we taught the gospel this week: one lesson fell through,
chocolate sheep! |
My favorite part of being in Ferrara is the growth potential. Really, this place could use some work. We've gotten to the point of having something planned almost every day, so that's an improvement from last transfer. Still not a busy place, certainly, but looking up.
chocolate coffins |
I'm thankful for Conference talks, and Liahona magazines. The Ensign is better, though, because it's all aimed at over-30's, instead of mashing together the Friend, New Era, and Ensign (church magazines for children, teens, and adults). I'm also thankful for friends I have made here on the mission.
Love you!
Anziano Whitesell